Monday, June 14, 2010

Engaging High Potential Leaders

I was thrilled today when I got pinged on FaceBook by the Center for Creative Leadership. You see, I follow CCL on FaceBook and also subscribe to CCLs podcasts through iTunes University. It's a great way to stay up on very high level leaders and how they do what they do. I learn a lot and also get to make connections with some pretty neat people.

So, when I saw the nature of the ping, a white paper entitled "High Potential Talent", it hit home. Since I have been writing about my own career lately, I thought sharing this white paper would be an appropriate way to thank those people at CCL and in my other networks for their words of wisdom and advice. No matter what line of work you're in, whether you work with adults or children, you need to be mindful of the high potential leaders in your midst. You see, they tend to be overlooked. Yes, that's what I said, overlooked.

In most environments, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. So, most high potential leaders go unnoticed. It's because they tend to go about their business, doing what they do, and doing it well, knowing they'll do well with our without the praise or attention of others. Unfortunately, just like any growing being, a high potential leader must be nurtured in just the right way or s/he will eventually whither. We need all the potential we can get in whatever we do!

Take a few moments to read the CCL white paper, downloadable at



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